Friday, December 1, 2017

3 Point Lighting

In Advanced TV Production/Editing we are conducting and learning the skills of using the three- point lighting method for an indoor interview, including Key light, Side/Fill light, and Back/hair light.The first picture above is a photo of none of the light being used. Which makes the set look dark and unpleasing.

In the second photo is conducting the Key Light which is positioned behind the interview's shoulder opposite the camera, to illuminate the subject's face.

In the third photo is instructing the Side/Fill light, this light fills in the shadows created by the key light so the light is even across the subject's face.

In the fourth photo i conduct the Back/Hair light when using this light it will illuminate the space behind the subject's head so he or she stands out from the background.

And finally in the last photo when you put all three lighting sources into play you receive a great Three Point lighting for a interview set.

To learn more about the 3 Point lighting visit Media
Or watch and instruction video on YouTube "How To Set Up 3-Point Lighting for Film, Video and Photography"

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