Twitter my twitter is fulled with many contact from the different assignments I have done for class in the past year also helpful uplifting daily tweets from my self. These are just a few that I follow on twitter: students from SC State, healthy food channels, vegan food channels, celebrities of the entertainment world, ESPN sports, music, news channels, and the lattes fashion for men. On twitter I am know as Terrell Weaver/ @bryantweaver83

LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. The goal of the site is to allow registered members to establish and document networks of people they know and trust professionally.This also includes professional people looking for new employment positions, as well as those other people that already have positions but would like to have a business profile that everyone can see. Its great for young professionals to keep up with their linkedin as in updating resume and linking to those company in which they wish to work for because linkedin could truly be the new face of how new employees are chosen for a job. here is link to my account....
Prezi is a web-based presentation software, created in Hungary. This freedom of movement enables “conversational presenting, ” a presentation style in which presentations follow the flow of dialogue, instead of vice-versa. As of March 2017, Prezi had reportedly over 75 million users, who had created more than 260 million prezis. I enjoy Using Prezi it gives your presentation a more bold look, filled with life and it makes your presentation come to life. Hear is a link to my class assignment "My Top Ten " on prezi
Green Screen "Where I Want To Be" this project consist of taking a photo off the internet and then taking a sing shot photo of our self in the green room then up loading both to Adobe Premiere and blending the two pictures together to make it look as if you where in the place where you wanted to be. I choose to be on the court with my favorite basketball player Kobe Bryant "Hanging With The Greatest" her is a link to see how its done ...
Kizoa edits and creates slideshows that you can share online or download to your computer. Like other online services, you do have some limitations, however the creative process is quite easy and friendly in spite of being an online service. Its very similar as in to Microsoft Power Point and Prezi but it has way more features to off with its enhanced animation tools and its numerous ideas for transitions. Here is my slide show I made for class "The Year 2017 At SC State" linked to the logo below....
In this class I have learned a lot from operation various social media site to doing featured stories. I've had a great time being in this class being able to showcase my skills and talent but especially being able to be as creative as I can be. After learning so much I am sure to take these skills and use them in my future broadcasting career .
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